How To Install and Setup Glusterfs on debian

The following article describes how to install and setup Glusterfs on a Debian distribution


Check the status of a mysql server in HAproxy

The following article describes how to check the status of a mysql server using a small shell script managed through the xinetd daemon to load balance MySQL


How To Install and Setup Spamassassin on Ubuntu 12.04 and Debian 7

About Spamassassin

Spamassassin is a free and open-source mail filter written in Perl that is used to identify spam using a wide range of heuristic tests on mail headers and body text. It will save your mailbox from much unwanted spam emails.


Before installing Spamassassin, you need to install and setup a mail transfer agent such as Postfix on your virtual private server.

The following article describes how to install  Spamassassin


How to scan a rage of Ip adresses on port 22

The following article describes how to scan a rage of Ip adresses on port 22


Redirecting network traffic to a new port using IPtables

The following article describes how to redirecting traffic from port 443 to 143 in IPtables


Apache VirtualHost Proxyforward example

The following article shows on how to use Proxyforward in virtualhosts in apache


Iptables explained

The following article describes how to use the Iptables and explains the commands


How to do a For loop in Bash to get the uptime of different hosts

for i in `seq   1 8`; do echo -n hostname$i: ; ssh hostname$i uptime; done

For loop in BASH Ping for rage in answer show up.

This step-by-step article describes how to ping a remote Internet Protocol (IP) address by using a for loop in bash.
for ip in $(seq from-to rage ); do ping -c1 YOUR_UP.$ip>/dev/null; [ $? -eq 0 ] && echo “192.168.1.$ip UP” || : ; done


How to block/allow IP addresses behind a load balancer with htaccess and Virtual hosts

When it comes to restrict your website, there are many ways to achieve that and one of the simplest methods is with your htaccess file.
But it can be a little bit tricky when you’re in a cloud environment such as the Amazon Cloud and you are using the Elastic Load Balancer.


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