Create a FTP user access (proftpd)

The following article describes how to create FTP users with bash function disabled and how to lock browsing outside there restriction.

Create a user which will be used only for ftp access. This user don’t need a valid shell (more secure) therefore select /bin/false shell for the user and /home/FTP-shared as home directory (property button in user and group window).

You can achieve this by the following command:

sudo useradd yourusername -p your_password -d /home/FTP-shared -s /bin/false


If /bin/false is not listed in your /etc/shells file. you should set the following in /etc/proftpd.conf 

 RequireValidShell no


To isolate the client from a portion of the host system filespace by denying to going outside his home directory you should set in the following in /etc/proftpd.conf

DefaultRoot                     ~
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